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Currently:66.0°F Cloudy, Dry
Cloudy, Dry
Comfort Index: ---
 Updated14-Feb-2025 5:30pm @ 
Time of Next Full Update: 5:35 pm -  Station Elev: 1469 ft  
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Current Conditions

@ 14-Feb-2025 5:30pm
66.0°F Colder 1.7°F than last hour.
Temp Change: °F /hr
Cloudy, Dry  Cloudy, Dry
Feels Like: 66 °F
Humidity: 35%Increased 2% since last hour.
Dew Point: 37.5 °FDecreased 0.1°F since last hour.
Wind: Calm

Gust: 0.0 mph
Pressure: 29.89 in Falling 0.002 inHg/hour
Solar Rad: 27%
21 W/m2
UV Index: 0.0
Rain Today: 0.01 in
Rain Rate: 0.000 in
Rain Month: 0.01 in
Rain Year: 0.01 in


Sunrise: 7:12 am
Sunset: 6:11 pm
Moonrise: 7:33 pm
Moonset: 8:24 am
Waning Gibbous Moon
Waning Gibbous Moon, Moon age: 16 days,18 hours,37 minutes,96%

Daily Min/Max

Today's High Temp: 68.5°F
Today's Low Temp: 52.1°F
Today's High Humidity: 43%
Today's Low Humidity: 13%
Today's High Dewpoint: 44.5°F
Today's Low Dewpoint: 5.1°F
Today's High Barometric Pressure: 30.053 in/Hg
Today's Low Barometric Pressure: 29.883 in/Hg
Today's High Wind Speed: 10.4 mph
High UV:
High Solar:
907 W/m2
Today's High Rain Rate: 0.000 in/min
Today's High
Hourly Rain Rate:
0.000 in/hr
Days Since
Last Rain:
0 Days

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Welcome to Pepperridge North Valley's
World Weather Extremes Page

Choose a Region

Maximum Temperature Last 24h. 02/15/2025 at 00:00 UTC
No. Location Station ID Amount
1 Wake Island, Wake Island Army Airfield Airport (United States) 91245 85.3°F
2 Hilo, Hilo International Airport (United States) 91285 84.9°F
3 Miami, Fl (United States) 72202 84.0°F
4 West Palm Beach, Palm Beach International Airport (United States) 72203 84.0°F
5 Lihue, Lihue Airport (United States) 91165 82.9°F
6 Kahului, Kahului Airport (United States) 91190 82.0°F
7 Key West, Key West International Airport (United States) 72201 82.0°F
8 Tampa, Tampa International Airport (United States) 72211 82.0°F
9 Honolulu, Honolulu International Airport (United States) 91182 81.0°F
10 Orlando, Orlando International Airport (United States) 72205 77.0°F
11 Roswell, Roswell Industrial Air Center Airport (United States) 72268 75.9°F
12 Tucson, Az (United States) 72274 75.0°F
13 El Paso, El Paso International Airport (United States) 72270 73.9°F
14 Tallahassee/Mun., Fl. (United States) 72214 73.9°F
15 Mobile, Mobile Regional Airport (United States) 72223 72.0°F
Script courtesy of  Michael Holden of Relay Weather. Data courtesy of Ogimet

Minimum Temperature Last 24h. 02/15/2025 at 00:00 UTC
No. Location Station ID Amount
1 International Falls, Falls International Airport (United States) 72747 -32.1°F
2 Bismarck, Bismarck Municipal Airport (United States) 72764 -31.0°F
3 Aberdeen, Aberdeen Regional Airport (United States) 72659 -27.9°F
4 Fargo, Hector International Airport (United States) 72753 -23.1°F
5 Valentine, Miller Field (United States) 72567 -22.0°F
6 Sioux Falls Climate, Sd (United States) 71168 -20.6°F
7 Bettles, Bettles Airport (United States) 70174 -20.0°F
8 Delta Junction/Ft Greely, Allen Army Airfield (United States) 70267 -18.9°F
9 Gulkana, Gulkana Airport (United States) 70271 -18.9°F
10 Sioux Falls, Foss Field (United States) 72651 -18.0°F
11 Helena, Helena Regional Airport (United States) 72772 -17.0°F
12 Huron, Huron Regional Airport (United States) 72654 -17.0°F
13 Sheridan, Sheridan County Airport (United States) 72666 -17.0°F
14 Sioux City, Sioux Gateway Airport (United States) 72557 -16.1°F
15 Burns, Burns Municipal Airport (United States) 72683 -15.0°F
Script courtesy of  Michael Holden of Relay Weather. Data courtesy of Ogimet

Maximum Precipitation Last 24h. 02/15/2025 at 00:00 UTC
No. Location Station ID Amount
1 Wake Island, Wake Island Army Airfield Airport (United States) 91245 1.04 in
2 Key West, Key West International Airport (United States) 72201 1.00 in
3 Miami, Fl (United States) 72202 1.00 in
4 West Palm Beach, Palm Beach International Airport (United States) 72203 0.99 in
5 Honolulu, Honolulu International Airport (United States) 91182 0.97 in
6 Lihue, Lihue Airport (United States) 91165 0.94 in
7 Tampa, Tampa International Airport (United States) 72211 0.93 in
8 Kahului, Kahului Airport (United States) 91190 0.93 in
9 Hilo, Hilo International Airport (United States) 91285 0.90 in
10 Orlando, Orlando International Airport (United States) 72205 0.85 in
11 Cross City/Cross City A., Fl. (United States) 72212 0.73 in
12 Tucson, Az (United States) 72274 0.67 in
13 Apalachicola, Apalachicola (United States) 72220 0.66 in
14 Apalachicola, Apalachicola (United States) 72220 0.66 in
15 Phoenix, Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (United States) 72278 0.66 in
Script courtesy of  Michael Holden of Relay Weather. Data courtesy of Ogimet

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Warning: Many data filters have been introduced to the above data. Use caution with this data as some extreme values can be erroneous due to unsuspected errors in synop reports. All data should be verified. Note that the values we listed here are from international released synop reports, and for certain there will be other extreme values not in this list

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 Pepper Ridge North Valley Random Weather Facts

In Arizona, typically, the heaviest rain falls during the summer thunderstorm season, or Monsoon, in our state. The rain can accumulate very quickly, resulting in flooded streets or washes, and can even cause deaths via flash flooding. In Phoenix, the greatest rainfall in a 24 hour period was 4.98 inches on July 1-2, 1911. This total is quite a bit less than the Arizona record of 11.4 inches, which fell on Workman Creek (near Globe) on September 4-5, 1970.

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