ELEV: 1469 ft LAT: 33° 39' 11" N LONG: 112° 01' 40" W

                                                                                                                        Record for  Record    Record 
Date:      Record High    Record Low   Record High    Record Low   Record High   Record Low    Record Max   Record Min  Snow/Hail    High      High
             Maximum       Maximum       Minimum        Minimum     Mean Temp    Mean Temp    24 Hr Precip 24 HrPrecip   or Ice    Wind Avg  Wind Gust  
              (°F)          (°F)          (°F)           (°F)         (°F)          (°F)          (in)      (in)(meas.)  Pellets    (Mph)      (Mph)
Jul  1    109.6  2001     98.9  2004    84.6  2001    63.9  2004    98.6  2001    83.6  2004    0.00  2005   0.00  2004  0.0  2005  4.3  1999  24  2002
     2    114.5  2001    101.5  2004    84.5  2001    66.7  2004   100.7  2001    85.8  2004    0.00  2005       ----               2.9  2003  21  2002
     3    111.0* 1997-01 100.3  2004    89.0  2001    66.0  2004    98.7  2001    85.6  2003    0.01  2002   0.00  2005             4.0  1999  25  2001
     4    111.0  1997    100.9  2000    83.6  2001    67.0  2004    94.1* 2001-03 85.4  2003    0.00  2005       ----               3.3  2001  20  2001
     5    108.0**1997-05  93.8  1998    83.3* 2001-99 67.1  2004    95.0  1997    85.5  1998    0.12  1998   0.00  2005             5.5  2001  37  1999
     6    106.2* 2005-03  87.7  2001    80.1  1998    69.8  2004    93.2  2003    81.6  2001    0.34  1999   0.11  2001             3.0  1998  29  1999
     7    107.1* 2005-02  97.6  2001    78.3  1998    71.7  2004    93.1* 2002-03 85.2  1999    0.17  1999   0.00  2005          3.3**1999-00  27  1998
     8    109.6  2002     92.7* 1999-01 79.6  2001    74.2  2003    94.5  2002    84.4  2001    0.01  2000   0.00  2005             3.9  1999  25  1998
     9    109.9  2003     94.8  1998    84.0* 1998-02 73.5  2003    96.4  2002    87.6* 2004-01 0.00  2005      ----                4.1  1999  27  2002
    10    109.7  1998     97.5  2001    84.6  1998    74.1* 2003-05 98.2  1998    86.4  2001      T   1997   0.00  2005             3.6  1999  32  1999
    11    111.5  1998     98.8  1999    83.5  2002    73.0**1997-05 98.8  1998    87.5  1997    0.00  2005      ----                3.8  1999  23  2002
    12    112.2  2005    102.0* 1999-01 83.9  2004    71.0  1997    97.5  2003    88.0  1997    0.00  2005      ----                4.8  1999  28  2002
    13    111.6  2003    100.4  2000    85.1* 1998-03 70.0  1997    98.6  2003    89.5  1997    0.30  2004   0.01  2002             3.7  2002  27  2004
    14    112.8  2003     93.7* 2004-99 87.6  2003    70.2  1999   100.4  2003    80.8  1999    1.79  1999   0.07  2004             4.6  2002  47  1999
    15    115.0  1997     91.5  1999    89.2  2003    67.8  1999   100.3  2003    81.0  1999    0.35  1999   0.03  2002             3.6  2001  22  1999
    16    114.0  1997     98.5  1999    84.3* 2004-05 71.1  2001    99.0* 1998-03 87.9  1999    0.00  2005      ----                3.7  1998  25  2004
    17    113.0  1997     98.5* 2001-03 87.2* 2005-03 76.4  2004    99.9  2005    88.2  1999    0.69  1998   0.00  2005          3.1**1998-01  42  1998
    18    111.2  2000     95.5  1999    84.1  2002    69.5  1999    96.7  2005    84.5  1999    0.61  2005   0.39  1999             3.3  1999  35  1999
    19    109.7  2000     99.4  1999    85.6  2003    74.1  1999    96.5  2004    87.4  1999    0.27  1997   0.13  1998             3.0  2002  33  1998
    20    109.4* 2003-00  97.3  1998    86.0  2005    76.7  1998    96.9  2003    87.3  1998    0.00  2005      ----                3.6  2000 17**2001-02
    21    108.7  2005     93.8  1998    84.6* 2000-05 78.0  1997    96.5  2005    86.4  1998    0.04  2005   0.01  2003             5.0  2000  31  2003
    22    106.7  2004     88.2  1998    84.2* 2000-04 76.0  1997    95.2* 2005-04 84.2  1998    0.18  1999   0.03  2005             3.5  2004  29  1999
    23    108.2* 2003-97  94.2  1998    86.7  2003    73.0  2002    96.8  2003    84.4  1998    0.76  1999   0.02  2005          3.0**1999-04  35  1999
    24    111.0  1997     99.1  1999    85.2  2000    75.0  2005    98.6  2000    87.6  1999    0.00  2005      ----             3.0**2001-03 21**2001-03
    25    113.0  1997     98.5* 1999-01 84.4  2003    78.0* 1997-04 97.2  2000    89.4  1999      T   1997   0.00  2005             3.4  1999  24  2001
    26    112.0  1997     99.3  2001    83.0* 1997-00 72.7  2005    97.5  1997    87.5  2004    0.99  2005   0.08  2004             3.9  2004  52  2005
    27    110.5  1998     96.3**1999-03 85.0  2000    75.5* 2005-04 98.0  2000    87.7  2004    0.02  2004   0.00  2005             4.5  1999  31  2004
    28    110.2  2000     90.8  1999    86.5  1998    75.2  2004    98.3  2000    83.3  1999    0.01  1998   0.00  2005             4.5  2000  23  2000
    29    108.0  1997     88.0  1999    83.8  2005    71.1  2003    95.0  2000    82.1  1999    0.43  2003   0.02  2001             4.6  2001  31  2003
    30    105.7  2000     93.5  2001    84.4  1998    71.9  2001    94.4  2000    83.0  2001    0.20  2001   0.05  2005             2.9  2000  41  2000
    31    112.0  1997     96.7  2002    85.0  1998    72.3  2005    96.5  1997    85.1  2005    0.88  2005   0.02  2000             3.3  1999  33  2005
Daily        115.0*          87.7          89.2*         63.9          100.7         80.8          1.79          0.01               5.5        52
Records    7/15/1997      7/06/2001     7/15/2003      7/01/2004     7/02/2001     7/14/1999     7/14/1999     7/21/2003**        7/05/2001  7/26/05
           7/02/2001                    7/03/2001                                                                                   
Monthly      106.1          99.7         80.0**          76.4           93.6         77.6          4.03          0.13               3.2
Avg          2005           1999         1998            2004           2003         1999          1999          2000              1999
Records                                  2003                                                                       
 *  Denotes a tied Record and first year listed is exact year it occurred, and second year listed is a tied year by rounding.
 ** Denotes an exactly tied record and the first year listed is the latest occurance.

                                       Records are based on years 1997 - 2005                

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Number of Visitors Since March 15, 2005