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 Updated25-Jan-2025 3:00am @ 
Time of Next Full Update: 3:05 am -  Station Elev: 1469 ft  
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What's New at the Pepper Ridge Weather Station.

July 2011 News!

The Pepper Ridge North Valley Weather Station is please to announce that we are now linked to Social Media with pages on Facebook and Twitter. Find us on face book at: Pepper Ridge North Valley on Facebook and on Twitter at: PepperRidgeNVWx on Twitter

Jan 2011 News!

The Pepper Ridge North Valley Weather Station is please to announce the addition of Three new pages the CWOP Data Quality Page Which shows the accuracy of this station according to N.O.A.A. The Phoenix Air Quality Page Which provides you with the latest Air Quality reports for Phoenix. And we are proud to annouce the addition of our World Weather section this is a new page where you can select to observe the top 15 cities world wide that experienced extremes in Temperatures and Precipitation in the last 24hrs. We hope you enjoy these new additions to our web site.

Jun 2010 News!

The Pepper Ridge North Valley Weather Station is please to announce the return of lightning detection on our website for 2010 Monsoon Season. We had to replace a malfuntioning antenna that was causing disruptions in our ability to detect lightning. We how are visitors are please by a more reliable lightning detector.

Feb 2010 News!

The Pepper Ridge North Valley Weather Station is please to annouce the addition of a four new weather pages, we have added a Current Trends page. A new page showing Current Solar Activity Page which provides Sun spot and solar flare activity information. Plus we have recently added two additional pages to our Hawaiian Weather Section these include: Hawaiian Volcanos Activity Page and Hawaiian Earthquakes Page which has current earthquake and Volcanic activity for the Hawaiian Islands.

Dec 2009 News!

The Pepper Ridge North Valley Weather Station is under going some routine maintainanace of our main Computer Hardware begining on Dec 17th, 2009 and we May experience some interuptions in the live data feed during the next few days. All other features of this website should remain operational during the maintainance. Please excuse Us while upgrade the computer Hardware
Thank You.

Aug 2009 News!

The Pepper Ridge North Valley Weather Station is please to annouce the addition of a new weather page our, recently added Hawaiian Weather Page which has current conditions and forecasts for the Hawaiian Islands.

Jan 2009 News!

The Pepper Ridge North Valley Weather Station is please to annouce the return of our monthly summarries section our, recently added Dec 2008 Highlights has all the highlights for Dec 2008, look for our highlights for the complete year of 2008 shortly.

Mar 2008 News!

The Pepper Ridge North Valley Weather Station has expanded our, recently added Weather Education or (Weather Ed.101) section. We have updated the Monsoon Page to reflect recent NWS changes to the start and ending dates of the season and included three new additonal pages all on the Monsoon, theses include; The Monsoon Basics page, the why we have Thunderstorms in the Summer page and the common patterns for Severe Weather in Arizona Page. Please check out these pages for in depth look in the "Summer Thunderstorm Season" or "Monsoon" in Arizona.

Feb 2008 News!

The Pepper Ridge North Valley Weather Station has added a new section to our website, this is the Weather Education or as we call it (Weather Ed.101) section. Please check out our new pages the Weather Glossary which contains 1000 weather related terms and information and our Cloud Types page which contains information and pictures of the most common clouds you see in the sky. We hope you enjoy this section and the new pages.

Jan 2008 News!

The Pepper Ridge North Valley Weather Station website gets a new look. We have redesigned are web pages with a updated new header picture and the header now includes dynamically updated weather conditions on the top of all our main pages using AJAX and PHP.

All the main pages contain the same great weather content that we have always had. There is also a weather random fact displayed on each page. We have also recently added two new pages with the UV Forcast and N.O.A.A. Weather radio. The UV Page tell about the current solar radiation, uv index and minutes to burn from Sun exposure. There is also a uv forcast listed on this page. The N.O.A.A. radio page has PODcasts that you can listen to, this is the same informative information that is broadcast on the N.O.A.A. Weather Radio.

Please Update your links to our pages to reflect the new use of ".php" extensions such as which replaces the old page In fact all the main pages carry the ".php" extension now, this was necessary to add the dynamic contect to the pages.

Hope you enjoy the new look and please watch are site for future updates and features.

Dec 2007 News!

The Pepper Ridge North Valley Weather Station is back online as of Dec 16th, 2007 after approximately 10 days of limited current conditions data. This was due to a hardware failure of the main computer whichs uploads the data to the website.

Luckily the main weather station computer continued to work properly so no weather data was loss and the backup weather data files were maintained. Unfortunately we were unable to keep the website current condtions during this down time.

Our main computer was quickly replaced with a new main computer which fortunately was quickly delivered, this allowed the website to return to normal operation on Dec 16th, 2007. Hopefully the new computer will last for many years so our vistor's can continue to get the up to minute weather data for North Phoenix, Az. Sorry for any inconveience the downtime caused are loyal viewership

Sincerely, the

July 2007 News!

The Pepper Ridge North Valley Weather station now has near real time live updates thanks to some new AJAX and PHP scripts and the addition of two new weather software programs the first is Virtual VP™ by SoftWX, Inc™. This Program creates multipule virtual serial ports. It directly collects the data from our Davis Vantage Pro 2 Plus with FARS™ (Fan-Aspirated Radiation Shield). Weather station Consule and allows you to connectly up to 4 weather software programs simultaneously to the same serial port. So we are now running the following programs WeatherLink5.71™ , Weather Display™ and Weather Display Live 5.01™. The Weather Display v10.37e™ program produces a file called the "clientraw.txt" which allows us to create the near realtime data with AJAX and PHP scripts which access this file and create the graphics displayed on our Home and Currents Pages. Hope you enjoy the new look

June 2007 News!

The Pepper Ridge North Valley Weather Station has made two exciting upgrades. First we have upgraded our Weather Station to Davis Vantage Pro Plus with FARS™ Please check out our station's Bio Page for complete details. The Old Weather Montior II™ now serves as backup station. We went with another Davis station because of the reliability of the station which has been in operation since 1993.

The other Upgrade is we have changed ISP's to a high speed conection allowing us to update the web site a 5 minute intervals. Also this change should hopefully provide a more reliable contection and fewer down times. Also with the new high speed contection we will be able to implement additional upgrades in the near future.

May 2007 News!

We have added a new php which provides continuous updates of the NWS forecast for North Phoenix. The 24 hr forecast appears on Home page and the 5 day forecast on our Forecast page both forecasts images have links to a detail 7 day forecast. We have found these forecasts to be fairly accurate for this location.

April 2007 News!

On April 28th, 2007 The Ice finally broke on the Salt River! (ie: We Reached 100 degrees for first time in 2007) The mercury eclipsed the century mark for the first time this year at 2:26pm. This was the earliest date for this occurence at Pepperridge. This temperature also set a alltime maximum for April with a final high 100.6°F. The previous Alltime April Maximum was 99.2°F on April 26th, 2000. Here's the link to the complete April Highlights

February 2007 News!

In February 2007 the Pepper Ridge North Valley Network joined the Weather Ring Network. This affiliation was added to help improve our visibility on the web.

It's Here, we just completed a software upgrade to Lightning 2000's™ Version 4 from Aninoquisi Software. This new software upgrade is able analyze and distinguish the difference between lightning Flashes and Strokes. This is the first lightning software able to do this using the Boltek™ hardware. A lightning flash is the actual bolt of lightning that strikes from cloud to cloud or cloud to ground. This bolt may actually contain many strokes which we may see a pulses of lightning along the same lightning channel. This advancement in lightning detection better dipicts the real life aspects of a thunderstorm. Please check out the new look of our Lightning page the page now displays additional information using the latest lightning dectection software. Hope you enjoy the enhancements to our lightning dectection system.

Check out the link to the January 2007 Highlights. We also have completed the, 2006 a Year in Review, information can be found at the following link; 2006 Highlights.

December 2006 News!

We also added some new features in Dec 2006, to the Pepper Ridge North Valley's Web Site. These enhancements included the use of a new dynamic menu system for all the major links. This is located in the left hand column of the main weather pages under weather links.

    (Please Note a JAVA SCRIPT enabled browser is needed to properly view the menu's)

We also added to two new Pages to the web Site. These are the Tropical Page which uses a PHP script to pull the RSS feeds for tropical weather conditions from the NWS National Hurricane Center/Tropical Prediction Center. The script pulls the latest Tropical information and Tropical Weather Outlooks for both the Atlantic - Caribbean Sea - Gulf of Mexico and Eastern Pacific Regions.

The other page is the Weather Scripts Page which displays all of our Php generated Weather Stickers,(like the one at the top of this page), and lists code information on how to place our weather stickers on your web page. There is also information about our PHP Scripts.

We will also provide the latest updates to the site on this page.

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 Pepper Ridge North Valley Random Weather Facts

Wind Chill - The wind chill temperature is what the temperature "feels like" to people and animals during cold weather. Wind chill is based on the rate of heat loss from exposed skin caused by wind and cold. As the wind increases, it draws heat from the body, driving down skin temperature and eventually the internal body temperature. Once temperatures drop below 10 °F and the wind is gusting, conditions are ripe for cold-related illnesses. Below -5 °F, any wind is a major factor in frostbite and hypothermia.

Get the Facts PHP

Page layout last updated on Feb 25th, 2010