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Currently:64.8°F Dusk, Dry, Scattered clouds
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Comfort Index: ---
 Updated14-Feb-2025 6:30pm @ 
Time of Next Full Update: 6:35 pm -  Station Elev: 1469 ft  
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@ 14-Feb-2025 6:30pm
64.8°F Colder 1.2°F than last hour.
Temp Change: °F /hr
Dusk, Dry, Scattered clouds   Dusk, Dry, Scattered clouds
Feels Like: 65 °F
Humidity: 37%Increased 2% since last hour.
Dew Point: 37.9 °FIncreased 0.4°F since last hour.
Wind: Calm

Gust: 0.0 mph
Pressure: 29.90 in Rising 0.008 inHg/hour
Solar Rad: 0%
0 W/m2
UV Index: 0.0
Rain Today: 0.01 in
Rain Rate: 0.000 in
Rain Month: 0.01 in
Rain Year: 0.01 in


Sunrise: 7:12 am
Sunset: 6:11 pm
Moonrise: 7:33 pm
Moonset: 8:24 am
Waning Gibbous Moon
Waning Gibbous Moon, Moon age: 16 days,19 hours,32 minutes,95%

Daily Min/Max

Today's High Temp: 68.5°F
Today's Low Temp: 52.1°F
Today's High Humidity: 43%
Today's Low Humidity: 13%
Today's High Dewpoint: 44.5°F
Today's Low Dewpoint: 5.1°F
Today's High Barometric Pressure: 30.053 in/Hg
Today's Low Barometric Pressure: 29.883 in/Hg
Today's High Wind Speed: 10.4 mph
High UV:
High Solar:
907 W/m2
Today's High Rain Rate: 0.000 in/min
Today's High
Hourly Rain Rate:
0.000 in/hr
Days Since
Last Rain:
0 Days

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The Monsoon 2015 Review Page

The Pepperridge North Valley's Average Monsoon Rainfall Is: 3.22 inches

Thunder Heads develop over the open Desert         A rain shaft descends from a Thunderstorm over the open Desert

3 Day Monsoon Dewpoint Tracker

Outside Temp 

History    Dewpoint History

     As of:   6:30 PM   on:   2/14/2025    The Temperature is:    64.8°F Colder 1.2°F than last hour.   The Dewpoint Temp is:   37.9 °F Increased 0.4°F since last hour.    

Dewpoint Average must be at 55°F or higher for 3 days in a row to offically start the Monsoon Season!!

Monsoon 2015 A Complete Season In Review

The 2015 North American Monsoon season will be characterized as warmer than average for the state of Arizona and Southeast California. Like most monsoon seasons, rainfall amounts varied widely between cities, and even from neighborhood to neighborhood. However, when averaged across the entire region, the 2015 North American monsoon produced around average rainfall amounts.

This monsoon season began quite actively across the southeast parts of Arizona with several thunderstorm complexes throughout the 2nd half of June. While rainfall was not plentiful through central Arizona, numerous dust storms made their way north into the communities of Casa Grande, Gila Bend, and Phoenix. While Tucson and SE Arizona experienced repeated thunderstorm days in the beginning of July, points to the north and west had to wait until the middle of the month before activity really increased. Thanks to the remnant moisture from a decaying Tropical Storm (Delores), widespread strong thunderstorms and heavy rainfall developed on July 18th and produced damage and flooding in the town of Wickenburg.

This was just the beginning of a period of active and destructive weather across the region. On the very next day, July 19th, strong storms erupted over Southeast California producing large hail, strong damaging winds, and incredible flooding rainfall. One individual storm over Eastern Riverside County dumped an estimated 5 inches of rain in a very short time period along I-10 near Desert Center. This lead to extreme flash flooding in the area of Tex Wash which completely washed out one side of the Interstate, shutting down a major transportation corridor for over a week.

Isolated storms with spotty damaging winds, heavy rain, and blowing dust affected much of southern and central Arizona during the latter portions of July and beginning of August. However, most of these storms remained on the outskirts of town and had minimal impacts on the communities of central Arizona. More widespread thunderstorm activity hit parts of the Phoenix metropolitan area in the middle of August with
two rounds of storms on August 11th. Periodic thunderstorms were common through the 2nd half of August culminating in another round of damaging winds and flooding on August 31st. Central Arizona wasn't the only location susceptible to severe storms this monsoon season, with blowing dust, damaging winds, and flooding hitting the Yuma and Somerton areas on September 8th.


Phoenix Sky Harbor
2015 Monsoon Season Statistics

1981-2010 Avg
Total Rainfall 3.29 inches 2.71 inches 35th Wettest
Avg Max Temperature 105.4 degrees 103.9 degrees 7th Warmest
Avg Min Temperature 83.6 degrees 80.9 degrees Warmest Ever
Average Temperature 94.5 degrees 92.4 degrees Tied 2nd Warmest
1981-2010 Avg
Number of 100 degree days
Number of 110 degree days
Number of rainfall days


Yuma Airport
2015 Monsoon Season Statistics

1981-2010 Avg
Total Rainfall 1.06 inches 1.30 inches 50th Wettest
Avg Max Temperature 106.2 degrees 104.9 degrees Tied 18th Warmest
Avg Min Temperature 82.7 degrees 79.9 degrees Warmest Ever
Average Temperature 94.4 degrees 92.4 degrees 2nd Warmest
1981-2010 Avg
Number of 100 degree days
Number of 110 degree days
Number of rainfall days

Monsoon Season 2015 rainfall across both the Phoenix metropolitan area and Maricopa County as a whole varied widely with some local communities receiving over double the average monsoon season totals, while others received well less than a quarter of normal. The biggest "winner" was the city of Wickenburg with areas around town getting over 7 inches of rain, albeit at the expense of significant flooding. Within the Phoenix metro area, the corridor from downtown Phoenix through Sky Harbor Airport and Arizona State University saw several good rain producing thunderstorms. Thunderstorm over Downtown

Meanwhile, North Phoenix and the Deer Valley area experienced very few thunderstorms and only paltry amounts of rainfall. This includes Pepperridge North Valley which only saw 1.15 inches of rain (2.07 inches) below Normal or (36% of Normal). This leaves 2015 ranked as the second driest ever at Pepper Ridge North Valley. Only 2009 season was drier at only 0.69 inches. The picture to the right shows the isolated nature of the storms this summer. This picture is from September 22nd showing a isolated storm over downtown as viewed from Tempe Town lake looking west.

The data contained in the following graphs below is courtesy of Maricopa County Flood Control District. This is preliminary data and some gauge reports may contain missing data for the entire monsoon period.

Maricopa county rainfall
Phoenix metro rainfall totals
Maricopa County monsoon 2015 rainfall
(click on image for larger view)
Phoenix metro monsoon 2015 rainfall
(click on image for larger view)

Maricopa County was not the only area to experience spotty, highly varying amounts of rain this monsoon season. Much of southeast Arizona around the Tucson area saw more than double the monsoon average, as did numerous communities along the Mogollon Rim and far northern Arizona. But, given the typical isolated nature of storms during monsoon season, neighboring communities not far away within the same county received much less. This is very normal for the monsoon season - we've just been spoiled the past couple years where large swaths of the state received beneficial rainfall.

Region monsoon total rainfall
Region monsoon percent normal rainfall
Southwest region monsoon 2015 rainfall
(click on image for larger view)
Southwest region monsoon 2015 percent normal rainfall
(click on image for larger view)

A different look at several observation stations around the region with respect to observed rainfall and normal monsoon rainfall can be seen in the bar graphs below.

Central AZ rainfall graph
W AZ/SE CA rainfall graph
Select Central Arizona Cites Monsoon 2015 rainfall
(click on image for larger view)
Select Western Az and Southeastern Calif Cites
Monsoon 2015 rainfall
(click on image for larger view)


2015 Monsoon Summary ·  2014 Monsoon Summary ·  2013 Monsoon Summary ·  Monsoon Rainfall Stats ·  Alltime Top 5 Monsoons


MONSOON 2015 - has now officially began using the old traditional method of the Dewpoint
As of June 28th we marked the third day in a row of a average Dewpoint at 55°F or above
This means that the season began on June 25th.

Pepper Ridge Dewpoint averages over the last 6 days.
June 23rd ---- 52.1°F June 26th---- 58.8°F
June 24th ---- 50.9°F June 27th ---- 58.9°F
June 25th* ---- 55.9°F June 28th ---- 60.9°F
The Monsoon has officially started at Phoenix Sky Harbor,on June 15th

July 18th & 19th - Arizona and Southern California began to feel effects of Hurricane Dolores.
The storm curved toward the north-northeast off the coast of Baja California and began to weaken.
She was downgraded to a tropical storm on Friday July 17th and degenerated into a post-tropical low-pressure on July 18th.
Her last reported location on Saturday evening was about 300 miles west of the Baja California coast.

At the same time a unseasonally strong cut off low pressure was postioned off the Southern California coast
the combination of this low pressure and the monsoonal flow helped pull the rich tropical moisture into the Desert Southwest.
This pattern set up the stage for a outbreak of potentially heavy rainfall by enhancing the monsoonal flow,
but the unusually strong low pressure off Calif pulled most the rich tropical moisture into Southern California.
This helped Los Angeles and San Diego to break their all-time July rainfall records on Saturday, July 18th
This pattern also led to severe thunderstorms and flash flooding in the remote California desert that
caused the collapse of a eastbound bridge on Interstate 10 near the Desert Center on Sunday July 19th!!!

Meanwhile parts of southwestern Arizona and Northwestern Arizona saw heavy rain both days
The closest these storms came to Metro Phoenix was an outbreak of severe thunderstorms near Wickenburg
These storms dumped up to 3 1/2 to 4 inches of rain in a few hours in isolated spots on July 18th
This caused major flooding in some neighborhoods and along washes near the Hassayampa River.

Here at Pepperridge a meager 0.18 inches of rain fell on Saturday July 18th and a few spots in the valley saw up to 0.50 inches
This storm brang the July total at Pepperridge North Valley to a disappointing 0.21 inches which is way below normal
On July 20th the southwesterly flow again took hold surpressing the Monsooon moisture to far Eastern Arizona and New Mexico

Jul 31st - We are still waiting on the first Major storm of the season in the North Valley
While parts of the valley saw up to 1+ inch of rain we recorded a mere 0.01 inches
Even Sky Harbor saw 0.72 inches today making the monthly total 1.13 inches near normal
Meanwhile Pepperridge only saw 0.22 inches for the month (0.90) inches below normal the 2nd driest on record
Only July 2000 and 2009 saw less tied for the driest on record at 0.13 inches!!

Interest side note this is the first time that both May at 1.48 inches & Jun 0.51 inches saw more rain than July
Normally May and Jun combined average is just 0.13 inches!!!

Aug 11th - Monsoon 2015 continues to disappoint here in the North Valley we saw two Major Dust Storms
moved through the valley today one in the morning and another this evening but little rain fell here.
Again the East Valley saw decent rain with up to 1/2 inch to even 1 inch in isolated spots
Meanwhile up here in the north valley 0.01 inches from the morning storm and 0.08 inches this evenings storm
This brings August to only 0.10 inches and the season to unimpressive 0.46 inches the driest since 2009

In contrast normally we would have about 1.50 inches at this point in the season and
last year at this time the mid point of the season we had 2.14 inches

Aug 25th - NONsoon 2015 continues to disappoint another dust storm & Thunderstorms approached from the south only to fizzle out.
Again parts of East Valley saw some decent rain mainly south of US 60. where parts of Ahwatukee, Chandler, Mesa
and Gilbert saw up to .50 inches in some isolated spots with some minor wind damage

Meanwhile areas further North and West saw little if anything from this storm including Central Phoenix
At Pepperridge we had light rain resulting in 0.02 inches which brings August to a dismal 0.12 inches
For the entire Monsoon Season only 0.48 inches has fallen only 2009 was drier at this point with 0.47 inches.

Again it is suppose to dry out as the Monsoon High shifts further south again out of it's Normal 4 corners location
which brings a dry Southwesterly flow & less chance of thunderstorms if this hotter drier weather returns to close out August
We will see the 3rd Driest August, Driest Monsoon thru Aug 31st and hottest August on record!!!

Aug 29th - Again for the second time in three days isolated thundershowers effect parts of the valley
On the 27th the Northwest, Southwest and Parts of the East Valley saw decent rain of up to an 1 Inch
Tonight again the East Valley saw rain with Chandler, Mesa and Tempe seeing the most at up 3/4 of inch
Which means near the main ASU campus both storms delivered a total 1.75 inches.

Meanwhile the North Valley saw sprinkles to light showers from both Thursday's and Saturday's storms.
Pepperridge North Valley had wind and trace of rain on Thursday tonight more wind and a brief thundershower brings 0.06 inches
This leaves August precipitation total at a mere 0.18 inches and the entire Monsoon season at only 0.54 inches.
We are still on track for 3rd driest August, 2nd Hottest August and driest Monsoon thru August 31st at only 0.54 inches

Aug 31st - Tonight's storm formed well South of here and moved in a Northeasterly direction unusual for the Monsoon
It left up to an 1.50 inches of rain in south Central Phoenix and caused flooding and wind damage and at Sky Harbor
Which measured a 61mph wind gust and 0.37 inches of rain bringing August to 1.29 inches near normal
and 2.48 inches for the Monsoon thru Aug 31st which means Sky Harbor is near normal for the season

Only a wind and a lightning show here in the North Valley as the storm passed to Southeast about 5-10 miles away.
This means that here at Pepper Ridge North Valley we will end August with only 0.18 inches
The 3rd Driest August on Record!! and for the Monsoon only 0.54 inches has fallen making it the driest on record thru Aug 31st!!
The previously driest to this point was 2009's 0.67 inches. Records date back to 1997 at this station.

Also the average temp for Aug 2015 was 93.6°F the second Hottest August on Record behind Aug 2011's 94.1°F
This average temperature also ties July 2003 for the third hottest month ever!!

Another interesting note May & Jun were wetter with 2.01 inches than July & August with only 0.40 inches another 1st at this station
where the normally two driest months normally see 0.13 inches beat two of normally wettest months which see 2.49 inches!! Normally we should have about 2.56 inches at this time during the Monsoon
I blame El Nino for this as the westerlies have never completely disappeared this summer
forcing the Monsoon High to remained south of it's normal 4 corners position!!!

Sept 13th - Finally the first major thunderstorm/rain event of the Monsoon hit's West Valley and Northern parts of Valley tonight
This includes Pepperridge North Valley where 0.35 inches of rain fell mainly between 10pm and 11pm.
This is thanks to the first transitional event as a low pressure coming in from California reacted with the Monsoonal moisture
The storm dropped 0.59 inches of rain here in the north valley doubling the seasonal total which had stood at a mere 0.54 inches
With this precipitation 2015 is now only the 2nd driest Monsoon at 1.13 inches leaving 2009's 0.69 inches the driest ever!!

Sept 22nd - The forcasted Major Phoenix rain event of widespread rain event on Monday and Tuesday never materialized.
The forecast predicted 2 to 3 inches of rain from Tropical depression 16E never materialized on Monday
As the bulk of the moisture shifted East hitting parts of Southeastern Arizona with 2 to 3 inches of rain.
Today brought isolated Severe Thunderstorms to parts of the valley with Downtown Phoenix, North Scottsdale
and East Mesa receiving 1 to nearly 2 inches of rain that caused flash flooding in isolated areas.
Most everyone else in the valley saw lite rain or none at all from the tropical storm system.
At Pepper Ridge only a Trace fell both days leaving the Monsoon Season total at only 1.15 inches which is
(36% of Normal) and leaves 2015 as the second driest Monsoon todate, with only 8 days left to go in the season.

Sept 30th - The 2015 Monsooon is officially over it will remain the second driest ever in the north valley
Here at Pepperridge only 1.15 inches fell which is (2.07 inches) below normal of 3.22 inches or (36% of Normal)
Meanwhile offically at sky harbor they faired much better with 3.29 inches compared to a normal of 2.71 inches.


MONSOON 2014 - has now officially began using the old traditional method of the Dewpoint
As of July 5th we marked the third day in a row of a average Dewpoint at 55°F or above
This means that the season began on July 3rd. This was also the night of the first big dust storm "Haboob".
However no measurable rain has fallen yet in the North Valley.

Pepper Ridge Dewpoint averages over the last 6 days.
June 30th ---- 53.9°F July 3rd*---- 59.1°F
July 1st ---- 48.9°F July 4th ---- 64.4°F
July 2nd ---- 49.7°F July 5th ---- 62.7°F
The Monsoon has officially started at Phoenix Sky Harbor,on June 15th

Jul 3rd - 1st Major Dust storm of the season only a trace falls here
However outside the city heavy rain falls in Maricopa and other areas.

Jul 26th - Finally some beneficial rain from last night's intense severe thunderstorm
Heavy rain and winds with 1.03 inches here 0.54 inches of that fell between 11:10pm and 11:20 pm.
But lots down trees just to East of here looks like micro-burst hit the area...
This storm ended the 90 day streak without measurable rain the 6th longest in station history.

Aug 1st - Late evening thunderstorms hit the north phoenix and the west valley
The storm drops 0.37 inches of rain here while parts of Glendale received 1.5 inches

Aug 2nd - Low Pressure from Baja Californina brings another round of thunderstorms
These storms dump 0.71 inches on Pepperridge this ends a wet week in the north valley
After 90 days of no measurable rain 2.11 inches have fallen since July 26th!!!

Aug 12th - An active evening and night for parts of the valley starting in early evening
The East Valley and then South Phoenix especially around South Mountain with 2.5 inches
Finally in late evening the North Valley got in the act with some showers mainly light
but a breif downpour of 0.50 inches hit around 9:30pm leaving this station with 0.65 inches for the day.

Aug 19th - Record rainfall event in parts of Northern Maricopa and Southern Yavapai Counties
This was due to influence of low pressure off California and a strong Monsoonal Flow.
Between 4 & 5 inches of rain fell from Thunderstorms in the mountains above New River to Cave Creek
This led to widespread flooding in New River and Black Canyon City and Along I-17.
Record Flood stage flows were also recorded along the Aqua Fria River, Skunk Creek, Cave Creek & their tributaries

Here a Pepperridge we saw the most rain in single day since Sept 6th & 7th, 2006 storm which drop 2.76 inches
Today 2.31 inches fell in primarily 2 thunder storms, the first drop 1.23 inches between 6:18 am and 7:18am
with 1.07 inches of rain between 6:30am and 7:00am the second round of thunderstorms started about11:45am
This storm drop another 0.96 inches between 11:45am and 12:15pm another evening storm brought only lite rain here.
The daily total was 2.31 inches bringing August to a record 4.25 inches & the Monsoon total to 5.28 inches 3rd Wettest on Record

Sept 8th - Another Record rainfall event for the Valley thanks to tropical moisture from former hurricane Norbert
Heavy rains fell across the valley leading to 2 to 5 inches of rain causing major street flooding
Sky Harbor set a new all-time daily rainfall record of 3.29 inches the old record was 2.91 inches in 1933
At Pepperridge a daily rainfall record was set with 2.51 inches which is shy of all-time record of 2.79 inches in Feb 2003
However this was the second 2 inch plus daily rainfall in month pushing the Monsoon total to 8.25 inches
This ties 2006 for the wettest monsoon season on record and the second wettest September at 2.89 inches

Sept 27th - A early season Fall storm and Cold front brings the end to 2014 Monsoon season
Severe thunderstorms rolled across the valley with damaging winds and heavy rain and localized flooding
Sky Harbor received 1.64 inches bringing Sept to 5.11 inches 2nd wettest September on record
Parts of the East valley received over 2.5 inches with localized flooding
Here a Pepperridge we received 0.83 inches bringing Sept to 3.82 inches the 2nd wettest behind 2006
2006 remands the wettest September at 5.24 inches However the latest rains help 2014 pass 2006 as
the wettest monsoon with 9.18 inches during the season which beats 2006's 8.25 inches

Monsoon Rainfall for Pepper Ridge # 1 North Valley Phoenix - 2009 - 2015

YEAR 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 MAX MNTH MIN MNTH MNTLY AVG
JUN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14* 0.96 0.00 0.07*
JUL 0.13 0.56 2.36 0.76 0.87 1.03 0.22 4.03 0.13 1.22
AUG 0.54 0.86 1.13 1.19 0.20 4.33 0.18 4.33 0.07 1.27
SEP 0.02 0.21 0.08 1.47 2.22 3.82 0.61 5.24 0.00 0.66
Min Month 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.96 0.02 0.69 season
Max Month 0.54 0.86 2.36 1.47 2.22 4.33 0.61 5.24 0.13 9.18 season
Avg/Totals 0.69 1.63 3.57 3.42 3.29 9.18 1.15 ---- ---- 3.22

Monsoon Normals are based on the years 1997- 2011

*0.07 in 1999 , 0.05 in 2006 & 0.37 2015 Fell Before Jun 15 and is not included in Monsoon Totals
Monsoon Rainfall is statistically measured from June 15th thru Sept 30th!!

2012 Monsoon Summary ·  2011 Monsoon Summary ·  2010 Monsoon Summary ·  2009 Monsoon Summary ·  2008 Monsoon Summary


The 2013 Monsoon Season Officially began as of 6/30/13
Today July 2nd marked the third day in row with a average dewpoint
reading at 55.0°F or higher, this marks the begin of the season based on older
criteria of dewpoint*, by the newer set date system the season began on June 15th!!

Pepper Ridge Dewpoint averages over the last 6 days.
June 27th ---- 45.4°F June 30th*---- 57.8°F
June 28th ---- 47.4°F July 1st ---- 59.9°F
June 29th ---- 51.5°F July 2nd ---- 60.5°F
The Monsoon has officially started at Phoenix Sky Harbor,on June 15th

Dry August only 0.20 inches falls in the North Valley making it 3rd driest on Record

September brang the return of a wetter Monsoon pattern with 1.68 on Sept 9th
Thanks to a tropical conection with the remants of Tropical Storm Lorana off Baja
The month ended with 2.22 inches of rain the second wetest September on Record!!

Sept 30th, 2013 - Monsoon 2013 ends with 3.29 inches which is +0.07 of normal


The 2012 Monsoon Season Officially began as of 6/26/12
Today June 28th marked the third day in row with a average dewpoint
reading at 55.0°F or higher, this marks the begin of the season based on older
criteria of dewpoint*, by the newer set date system the season began on June 15th!!

Pepper Ridge Dewpoint averages over the last 6 days.
June 23rd ---- 43.5°F June 26th*---- 55.4°F
June 24th ---- 54.7°F June 27th ---- 59.2°F
June 25th ---- 52.6°F June 28th ---- 58.9°F
The Monsoon has officially started at Phoenix Sky Harbor,on June 15th

June 27th - Marked the first major Dust Storm of the season due to thunderstorm outflows from
storms near Case Grande. It appears that high pressure system will move back overhead this weekend
bringing excessive heat and a temporary break in monsoonal moisture flow
through early next week. So the season is here but little storm impact is expected for now.

July 14th - Major Thunderstorm outbreak accross parts of the state including the East Valley
East Mesa, Gilbert and parts of Chandler get up to 1 - 1/2 inches of rain
Here in the North Valley debris clouds bring a Whopping 0.02 Inches of rain.
Season total is now at 0.24 inches as the dry start to the Monsoon continues!!!

Jul 21st - So far the first 3 weeks of the Monsoon has been a dud in the North Valley.
5 storms that have brang a total of a mere 0.35 inches, leaving the year todate rainfall at 1.69 inches
which is right now the driest year on record in 16 years of data keeping thru July 21st!!!
This evening started with A Impresive dust storm but the rainfall was only 0.10 inches
Futher to north in New River they got up to 1 - 3/4 inches which is more than our yearly total!!!

July 31st - July 2012 closes 0.08 inches from a brief thunderstorm bringing the monthly total to 0.76 inches
Which is -0.46 inches below normal and makes this July the 7th Driest on record
The drought continues as 2012 is now the 2nd driest year on record thru July 31st!!
Only 1997 had less rain thru July 31st with 2.04 inches compared with 2.10 inches this year

Further to North the Anthem / New River area got hit hard again with street flooding and 1.5 inches of rain
This was a very isolated storm as the strange Monsoon Season continues with some areas receiving more rain
than normal and other areas very little... for an active season 2012 has been a big disappointment so far.

Aug 14th - The monsoon tries to return after 2 weeks relentless heat but was unimpressive again!!
Only 0.09 inches fell here in the North Valley the only thing it really did is prevented the daily Low of 90°F
This would have been only the 4th time the low was 90°F or higher the storm cooled to it to 83°F
The Monsoon Season total is only 0.86 inches less than 60% of normal so far and it stands as the 2nd driest on record.

Aug 21st - Finally Monsoon 2012 produces a storm that delivers meaningfull rain in the North Valley!!
Moderate rain has been falling from a thunderstorm complex over Phoenix for last 2 hours since 10pm
These storms brang heavier rain south of the valley of 1 inch + but so far Pepperidge has received 0.48 inches
Bringing the season total to 1.36 inches now the 3rd driest on record!!!

Aug 23rd - Very Early Morning severe thunderstorm brings a impressive light show and heavy rain and localized flooding.
Pepperridge received 0.52 inches from the storm that brang 1.5+ inches in localized valley locations.
Sky Harbor received daily rainfall record 0.80 incbes a impressive storm nearly valley wide.

Sept 9th - Another uneventful storm for the North Phoenix Valley with only 0.14 inches of rain from morning Thundershowers.
However East Mesa and Apache Junction got hit again with up to 2 1/2 inches of rain and street flooding.
Even Sky Harbor picked up 0.51 inches while Pepperridge finally manage to hit the 2 inch mark for the season.
2012 remains the 7th Driest Monsoon on Record with only 65% of normal precipitation for the Monsoon.

Sept 10th & 11th - The monsoon that has been hitting many areas harder this summer finally delivers
with a series of decent Thunderstorms over the last two days.

PepperRidge received 1.30 inches from the series of storms thanks to Low pressure system effective the state
The bulk of the rain that fell within a little 1hr between 10:40PM and 12midnight on Sept 10th with 0.81 inches
Additional morning showers on the 11th added another 0.22 inches which brings the Monsoon Season total to 3.39 inches
Which is slightly above the normal Monsoon Season total of 3.22 inches

September has been the wettest month of the season with 1.44 inches and the wettest Sept since Sept 2006
Sept 2006 holds the record for wettest Monsoon month with a the record breaking 5.24 inches!!


The 2011 Monsoon Season Officially began as of 7/03/11
Today Jul 5th marked the third day in row with a average dewpoint
reading at 55.0°F or higher, this marks the begin of the season based on older
criteria of dewpoint*, by the newer set date system the season began on June 15th!!

Pepper Ridge Dewpoint averages over the last 6 days.
June 30th ---- 46.2°F July 3rd*---- 62.2°F
July 1st ---- 43.1°F July 4th ---- 65.9°F
July 2nd ---- 49.7°F July 5th ---- 67.1°F
The Monsoon has officially started at Phoenix Sky Harbor,on June 15th

July 3rd - First Measurable rain of Monsoon 2011 at Pepperridge fell on July 3rd
with 0.25 inches which ended a 83 day rainless streak at Pepperridge. (Apr 11th - July 2nd)
This tied with 2000 for the sixth longest rainless streak at this station.

July 5th - Major Dust Storm hit the Phoenix Area, reducing visibility to near zero
Only a little rain accompanied the storm with 0.13 inches. This that marked the 3rd day in row
with measurable rain at Pepperidge as 0.24 inches fell on the 4th of July with strong winds
The 3 Day total is 0.62 inches meaning this is best start to the season since 2008!!

July 11th - Overnight thundershowers and thunderstorms produce the largest rain event so far.
Moderate to heavy rain totaled 0.48 inches between 3am to 6am bringing July's rainfall to 1.10 inches.
With this storm more rain has fallen so far in Monsoon 2011 than during the entire 2009 Season!!
We are also closing in on 2010's Monsoon Season total of 1.63 inches,
meaning the best start to Monsoon Season since 2008 continues!!

July 24th - Active Evening with Thunderstorms across the valley with some areas receiving up to 1"+ rain
Here at Pepperridge the total rainfall was 0.53 inches with 0.06 inches of that after midnight on 7/25
This active storm with brillent Lightning display brings the season total to 1.63 inches which is a tie
with 2010s season total which means one more storm should make this the wetest Monsoon since 2008!!

July 30th - Brief Thunderstorms affected the valley this evening droping 0.29 inches of rain
at Pepperridge with this rain the Monsoon Season exceed last year's total for the entire season

July 31st - Thunderstorms affected the Valley for the second night in a row with a active evening with lightning
this storm dropped 0.44 inches between 9:30pm and 11:30pm at Pepperridge with periods of brief heavy rain.
With this storm July's rainfall total was 2.36 inches making it the 3rd wettest July on record at Pepperridge

Aug 3rd - A surprise thunderstorm poped up this evening bringing welcoming rain after a excessively hot day.
Tonight's strong storm delivered heavy rain with 0.50 inches between 8:30pm and 8:40pm!!
The temperature fell from 98°F to 77°F during the same period with winds gusting to 32mph!!
Total rainfall from this storm was 0.75 inches which brings the season total to 3.11 inches.

Aug 13th - Overnight Thundershowers brang some brief Heavy Rain totalling 0.24 inches!!
Bringing the August total to 0.99 inches and the season total 3.35 inches - 6th Wettest Overall.

Aug 18th - Another Dust storm "Haboob" rolled accross the valley this evening in it's wake
brief moderately heavy rain fell amounting to only 0.13 inches a disappointing dusty evening!!

Sept 30th - Monsoon 2011 ended with a disappointing final 6 weeks with only 0.09 inches of rain falling.
What started as a decent season fizzled with only 0.08 inches rain falling in September
The season ended with 3.57 inches rain making Monsoon 2011 the 6th wettest overall.


The 2010 Monsoon Season Officially began as of 7/09/10
Today Jul 11th, marked the third day in row with a average dewpoint
reading at 55.0°F or higher, this marks the begin of the season based on older
criteria of dewpoint*, by the newer set date system the season began on June 15th!!

Pepper Ridge Dewpoint averages over the last 6 days.
July 6th ---- 45.8°F July 9th*---- 58.8°F
July 7th ---- 45.8°F July 10th ---- 61.4°F
July 8th ---- 52.3°F July 11th ---- 50.8°F
The Monsoon also officially started at Phoenix Sky Harbor,as of July 9th
The season began on June 15th based on the calendar date criteria!!!


The 2010 Monsoon Season looks as if it could began on 7/11
Today Jul 10th, looks likely to mark the second day in a row with a average
dewpoint reading at 55.0°F or higher, this is based on the older
criteria by the newer set date system the season began on June 15th!!

Pepper Ridge Dewpoint averages over the last 6 days.
July 4th ---- 52.1°F July 7th ---- 45.8°F
July 5th ---- 46.0°F July 8th ---- 52.3°F
July 6th ---- 45.8°F July 9th ---- 58.8°F
The Monsoon has officially started at Phoenix Sky Harbor,on June 15th

July 22nd - First Measurable rain of Monsoon 2010 at Pepperridge fell on July 22nd
The mere 0.04 inches ended a 120 day rainless streak at Pepperridge. (Mar 24th - July 21st)
This is the second longest rainless streak at this station.

July 29th - First Major storm of Monsoon effects parts of the valley primary in Tempe,
Chandler , South and Central Phoenix, Glendale, Peoria and Sun City.
Winds even damaged a section of the roof at University of Phoenix Stadium.
Here at Pepperridge we received only a glancing blow from this storm.
While up to 1/2 inch to 1 inch of rain fell as close as about 5 miles West and NW of this station
Here results were very disappointing with 0.03 inches bringing the month only to a dismal 0.07 inches
With only 2 days left in the month this could be the driest July on record beating last years 0.13 inches

July 31st - Overnight Thundershowers bring a wet end to July with the first significant rainfall at Pepperridge
0.49 inches fell between 2:30am and 5:00am ending the month with 0.56 inches the 6th driest July on record
However afternoon showers left parts of south central Phoenix with up to 1 1/2 inches of rain this included
a daily record at Sky Harbor with 1.33 inches, so for parts of valley July ended fairly wet with up to 2 1/4 inches.
But at Pepperridge it has been a fairly dry month and Monsoon 2010 has been a NONSOON so far.

Aug 21st & 22nd - The 2nd Major storm of this Monsoon season again effected mainly the East Valley with
rainfall totals of up to 1.50 inches this storm ended up producing decent 0.41 inches here at Pepperridge
This storm moves Monsoon 2010 into 2nd place for the Driest Monsoon on record!!

Aug 24th - Another promising storm goes bust here at Pepperridge with brief heavy rain but only 0.08 inches total!
Futher north of our location they received up to 1/2 inch. However this storm produced some strong winds
These were the strongest so far of this Monsoon with substained winds of 29 mph & peak gust 40 mph at 4:32 pm!!

Aug 28th - A unusually strong front for late summer influences the season as westerlies begin to drive the moisture out.
However a brief Heavy thunderstorm effected the area with 0.19 inches of rain bringing the month to 0.86 inches.

Aug 31st - As August closes Monsoon 2010 remains one of the driest in 3rd place overall for driest Monsoon.
The August rainfall was 0.86 inches which was (0.42 inches) below the normal 1.28 inches.
The month closed out dry as westeries again disrupted the monsoon because of the lingering effects of El Nino.

Sept 30th - Monsoon 2010 closes with little fanfare it was the 3rd driest on record thanks to a dry
September which produced only 0.21 inches with 0.20 inches falling on Sept 22nd from the remanents of
Tropical Storm Georgette. Otherwise the Monsoon was almost non existant in September.


The 2009 Monsoon Season has officially began at Pepper Ridge North Valley on 6/29
Today Jul 1st, marks the third day in a row with a average
dewpoint reading at 55.0°F or higher, this is based on the older
criteria by the newer set date system the season began on June 15th!!

Pepper Ridge Dewpoint averages over the last 6 days.
June 26th ---- 55.1°F June 29th*---- 58.4°F
June 27th ---- 54.5°F June 30th ---- 61.3°F
June 28th ---- 54.9°F July 1st ---- 60.9°F
The Monsoon has officially started at Phoenix Sky Harbor,on June 15th

Aug 13th - Finally a storm as "NONsoon 2009" continues. A decent early morning storm
produces 0.32 inches of badly need rain as the dismal 2009 season continues
Unfortunately more unusually dry weather is forecast thru next week

Aug 31st - NONsoon 2009" breathes a little new life at month's end
A evening thunderstorm produces 0.20 inches of badly need rain as the dismal 2009 season continues

Sept 23rd - With only 7 days left in the season it looks like this will be the
Driest Monsoon on record with only 0.69 inches, it has been a disappointing Summer!

Oct 1st - It's Official Monsoon 2009 is officially over and it was the
Driest Monsoon on record with only 0.69 inches the prior driest Monsoon was 2001 with 1.28 inches


The 2008 Monsoon Has Began at Pepper Ridge North Valley!!!
Based on the dewpoint criteria which has to have average 55°F or above for 3 days in a row
This criteria was met on July 5th which means the Monsoon began on July 3rd
HOWEVER based on the new Method of preset dates the Monsoon began on June 15th!!

Yesterday July 5th, marked the third day in a row with a Dewpoint average at 55.0°F or above,
which means based on criteria for dewpoint averages*
the Monsoon began three days ago on July 3rd. Last years season began on July 8th.

Pepper Ridge Dewpoint averages over the last 6 days.
June 30th ---- 53.4°F July 3rd* ---- 58.0°F
July 1st ---- 53.5°F July 4th ---- 60.9°F
July 2nd ---- 53.3°F July 5th ---- 59.9°F
The Monsoon has officially started at Phoenix Sky Harbor,on June 15th

July 11th - 1st Decent Storm of Monsoon 2008 produces 1.07 inches
On July 11th and 12th with a peak Wind Gust of 25 Mph at 8pm on July 11th.

Aug 7th - 2nd Decent Storm of Monsoon 2008 produces 0.85 inches
On Aug 7th with a peak Wind Gust of 37 Mph at 9pm.

Aug 25th - 3rd Decent Storm of Monsoon 2008 produces 0.99 inches
On Aug 25th with a peak Wind Gust of 26 Mph at 7:55pm.

Aug 28th - 4th Decent Storm of Monsoon 2008 produces 0.21 inches and a peak Wind Gust of 37 Mph at 9pm.

The Brunt of the storm hit S.E. of this location in Tempe/Mesa and Central Phoenix.
A 75 Mph Gust was recorded at Sky Harbor Severe ThunderStorm details.

Daily lightning totals were alltime records with 94,333 lightning Flashes or Strikes,
including 553 nearby strokes The total stroke count from those flashes was 231,460 strokes

The storm lasted into the Early hours of 8/29
and produced an additional 0.17 inches and Pea Size Hail Shortly after midnight

Monsoon Rainfall for Pepper Ridge # 1 North Valley Phoenix - 1997 - 2008

YEAR 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 MAX MNTH MIN MNTH MNTLY AVG
JUN 0.00 0.00 0.07* 0.96 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.05* 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 0.11*
JUL 0.34 0.95 4.03 0.13 0.33 1.92 0.44 0.47 2.62 1.12 1.63 1.32 4.03 0.13 1.25
AUG 1.33 0.48 1.30 2.65 0.94 0.08 1.84 0.91 2.15 1.89 0.07 2.85 2.85 0.07 1.30
SEP 0.27 0.60 0.77 0.01 0.00 1.14 0.29 0.85 0.32 5.24 0.02 0.02 5.24 0.00 0.47
Min Month 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.00 1.28 season
Max Month 1.33 0.95 4.03 2.65 0.94 1.92 1.84 0.91 2.62 5.24 1.63 2.85 5.24 0.13 8.25 season
Avg/Totals 1.94 2.03 6.10 3.75 1.28 3.14 2.57 2.23 5.11 8.25 1.72 4.19 ---- ---- 3.13

Monsoon Normals listed above are based on the years 1997- 2005

*0.07 in 1999 & 0.05 in 2006 Fell Before Jun 15 and is not included in Monsoon Totals
Monsoon Rainfall is statistically measured from June 15th thru Sept 30th!!

Monsoon Rainfall for Pepper Ridge # 1 North Valley Phoenix - 2009 - 2015

YEAR 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 MAX MNTH MIN MNTH MNTLY AVG
JUN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14* 0.96 0.00 0.07*
JUL 0.13 0.56 2.36 0.76 0.87 1.03 0.22 4.03 0.13 1.22
AUG 0.54 0.86 1.13 1.19 0.20 4.33 0.18 4.33 0.07 1.27
SEP 0.02 0.21 0.08 1.47 2.22 3.82 0.61 5.24 0.00 0.66
Min Month 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.96 0.02 0.69 season
Max Month 0.54 0.86 2.36 1.47 2.22 4.33 0.61 5.24 0.13 9.18 season
Avg/Totals 0.69 1.63 3.57 3.42 3.29 9.18 1.15 ---- ---- 3.22

Monsoon Normals are based on the years 1997- 2011

*0.07 in 1999 , 0.05 in 2006 & 0.37 2015 Fell Before Jun 15 and is not included in Monsoon Totals
Monsoon Rainfall is statistically measured from June 15th thru Sept 30th!!

===== ===== =====
1. 2014 9.18
2. 2006 8.25
3. 1999 6.10
4. 2005 5.11
5. 2008 4.19
6. 2000 3.75
7. 2011 3.57
8. 2012 3.42
9. 2013 3.29
10. 2002 3.14

===== ===== =====
1. 2009 0.69
2. 2015 1.15*
3. 2001 1.28
4. 2010 1.63
5. 2007 1.72
6. 1997 1.94
7. 1998 2.03
8. 2004 2.23
9. 2003 2.57
10. 2002 3.14

*Todate as of 09/30/15

Page last updated on Oct 1st, 2015

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 Pepper Ridge North Valley Random Weather Facts

The name comes from the Arabic word habb, meaning "wind." A Haboob is a giant wall of dust sometimes 3000ft tall,that travels a 40mph+, they frequently form here in Arizona from the gust front outflow boundary of summer thunderstorms. Haboobs are most frequent in Southwestern North America during the months of May through September, with the most frequent occurrence in late June, but they can occur in every month. (A picture of a classic Haboob appears on our Monsoon Page.)

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Page layout last updated on July 17th, 2009