13-Dec-2024 6:10pm @
The station is located Lat: 33° 39´ 11´´ N |
Time of Next Full Update: 6:15 pm - Station Elev: 1469 ft |
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Current Conditions
@ 13-Dec-2024 6:10pm | |
58.9°F | |
Temp Change: | °F /hr |
Night time, Dry, Clear skies | |
Feels Like: | 59 °F |
Humidity: | 45% |
Dew Point: | 37.6 °F |
Wind: | Calm --- mph |
Gust: | 0.0 mph |
Pressure: | 30.14 in Rising slowly |
Solar Rad: | 0% 0 W/m2 |
UV Index: | 0.0 None |
Rain Today: | 0.00 in |
Rain Rate: | 0.000 in |
Rain Month: | 0.00 in |
Rain Year: | 8.14 in |
Sunrise: | 7:24 am | |||
Sunset: | 5:20 pm | |||
Moonrise: | 3:51 pm | |||
Moonset: | 5:38 am | |||
Daily Min/Max
Today's High Temp: | 65.5°F 3:15pm |
Today's Low Temp: | 43.7°F 7:32am |
Today's High Humidity: | 45% 6:07pm |
Today's Low Humidity: | 25% 10:11am |
Today's High Dewpoint: | 37.7°F 6:08pm |
Today's Low Dewpoint: | 14.1°F 12:58am |
Today's High Barometric Pressure: | 30.140 in/Hg 6:08pm |
Today's Low Barometric Pressure: | 29.966 in/Hg 1:17am |
Today's High Wind Speed: | 0.0 mph 12:51pm |
Today's High UV: |
1.5 Low 11:48am |
Today's High Solar: |
524 W/m2 12:02pm |
Today's High Rain Rate: | 0.000 in/min 5:00pm |
Today's High Hourly Rain Rate: |
0.000 in/hr |
Days Since Last Rain: |
39 Days |
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