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Currently:67.9°F Cloudy, Dry
Cloudy, Dry
Comfort Index: ---
 Updated14-Feb-2025 4:15pm @ 
Time of Next Full Update: 4:20 pm -  Station Elev: 1469 ft  
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Welcome to Pepperridge North Valley's
Weather Scripts & Stickers Page

Pepper Ridge Weather Stickers for your website

You can add any of the following weather stickers to your website which displays the current weather (updated every 10 minutes) in North Phoenix, Arizona. Just select and copy the HTML code in the box below of the desired weather sticker you want and paste it into your webpage's HTML editor.

Large Banner Sample - Width 500" x Height 80"

Pepper Ridge Weather Station

<a href="">
<img src=""
alt="Current weather conditions at Pepper Ridge North Valley in Phoenix, Ariz."
title="Current weather conditions at Pepper Ridge North Valley in Phoenix, Ariz."
width="500" height="80" /></a>

Banner Sample - Width 468" X Height 60"

Pepper Ridge Weather Station

<a href="">
<img src=""
alt="Current weather conditions at Pepper Ridge North Valley in Phoenix, Ariz."
title="Current weather conditions at Pepper Ridge North Valley in Phoenix, Ariz."
width="468" height="60" /></a>

Sticker Sample - Width 150" x Height 150"

Pepper Ridge Weather Station

<a href="">
<img src=""
alt="Current weather conditions at Pepper Ridge North Valley in Phoenix, Ariz."
title="Current weather conditions at Pepper Ridge North Valley in Phoenix, Ariz."
width="150" height="150" /></a>

Avatar Sample - Width 120" x Height 120"

Pepper Ridge Weather Station

<a href="">
<img src=""
alt="Current weather conditions at Pepper Ridge North Valley in Phoenix, Ariz."
title="Current weather conditions at Pepper Ridge North Valley in Phoenix, Ariz."
width="150" height="150" /></a>

National Hurricane Center RSS PHP Script

This is a PHP script reads and formats the RSS feeds for Tropical Cyclone Forecasts and Advisories from the National Hurricane Center at The NHC provides three feeds (Atlantic, Atlantic en Espaņol, Eastern Pacific). This script formats the selected RSS feed, and provides additional features which follow the non-graphical links in the feed to include the text of the advisories.

The script has three optional arguments for the URL:

This allows override of the default Zone (A) for the RSS feed to use.
zone=A (default) is for Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico tropical cyclones in English
zone=AS is for Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico tropical cyclones in Spanish
zone=P is for Eastern Pacific tropical cyclones in English
If present, the script will not output surrounding HTML for the page returned. You should specify this if you invoke the script from within your webpage i.e.
<?php include(""); ?>
If present, the script will output only the titles and links for the alerts found. The links will open the page specified in the script to display the details.

To show the summary on your homepage and the details in a separate page on your website, you include this in your homepage: <?php include(""); ?> and on the details page on your website, just have <?php include(""); ?> and the details will be displayed with the look/feel of your website.

NHC RSS Advisory PHP script with full texts: demo and download


Look for Additional Scripts to Be Added Here in the future!

Pepper Ridge - Temperature Converter


Note: Please use the Keypad to Enter Temperature you which to Convert
Then simply hit the conversion Button and The Results will be Displayed!!

If you like this Temperature Converter you may view the external script by
Clicking on View Script or you may Download Script

Member of the:
TiggrWeather Topsites Top 100 Weather Sites

 Pepper Ridge North Valley Random Weather Facts

The Heat Index (HI) (or apparent temperature) is a measure of relative discomfort due to combined heat and high humidity. It was developed by R.G. Steadman (1979) and is based on physiological studies of evaporative skin cooling for various combinations of ambient temperature and humidity. As temperatures climb above 90 °F and humidity goes above 40 percent, conditions are ripe for heat-related illnesses.

Get the Facts PHP

Page last updated on Feb 2nd, 2008